Instagram now allows users to edit direct messages

“Instagram’s Game-Changing Update: Editing Direct Messages Now Possible!”

Instagram has just rolled out a new software update that allows users to edit their direct messages within a 15-minute window. Say goodbye to embarrassing typos or accidental admissions of love – simply press and hold on the message, select “edit”, and make the necessary changes discreetly.

But that’s not all – the update also introduces the ability to pin up to three favorite direct messages at the top of your feed for easy access. In addition, toggling read receipts on and off is now simpler than ever, and users can enjoy new DM themes with unique animations.

This update is just one of the many changes Meta has been making to enhance the Instagram experience. From features that limit content to close friends to customizable story templates, Instagram is constantly evolving to provide users with more control and creativity. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from the world of Instagram!

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