
Coalition of Media Organizations Requests Federal Inquiry into Google’s Deletion of California News Links

Google’s Big Bold Move: Snipping News Links in California

Hey there! Did you catch the latest drama stirring in the digital realm? It’s like something straight out of a Silicon Valley thriller. The News/Media Alliance, which you might remember as the Newspaper Association of America, is ringing alarm bells over Google’s latest power play. This giant is removing links to California news media outlets left, right, and center! Why, you ask? It’s all thanks to the proposed California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), aiming to make tech behemoths like Google cough up cash for news content links.

A Cry for Help: News/Media Alliance Takes a Stand

The Alliance isn’t just sitting back and watching the show. Representing over 2,200 publishers, they’re taking the fight to the big leagues. With fervent letters shot off to the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, and California State Attorney General, they’re shouting from the rooftops that Google’s move smells of coercion or retaliation. Imagine, a dispute that might just redefine the power dynamics between tech giants and the news media.

The CJPA: A Double-Edged Sword?

Google claims they’re the good guys here, arguing the CJPA is a misguided missile aimed at journalism. In a spicy blog post, Jaffer Zaidi, VP of Global News Partnerships at Google, suggests the act could backfire, putting smaller publishers in jeopardy and limiting the buffet of news available to us, the readers. Hey, isn’t it commendable when a trillion-dollar company champions the little guys?

Google’s “Test”: The Prelude to a News Blackout?

In what feels like a scene from a dystopian novel, Google is “testing” the waters by removing links to California news sites for a handful of users. It’s their way of poking the CJPA bear to see what roars back. They argue it’s all in the name of preparedness, pausing investments in the California news ecosystem faster than you can say “Google News Showcase.” But here’s the kicker: they’re playing their cards close to their chest, leaving us guessing the who, what, and how long of the news access lockdown.

The Legal Tangle: Google vs. The Law

The News/Media Alliance isn’t throwing around accusations willy-nilly. They’ve got a laundry list of potential legal infringements by Google, from the Sherman Antitrust Act to California’s Unfair Competition Law. It’s like watching a legal drama unfold, with Google potentially in the hot seat for its “temporary” news blackout maneuver.

Google’s Previous Battles: A Mixed Bag of Results

Google’s dance with news content hasn’t always been so contentious. After pulling Google News from Spain and weathering a seven-year standoff, they opened their wallet wide in Australia and Canada, shelling out millions to keep news in the search results. It seems like Google’s strategy is as unpredictable as a plot twist in a mystery novel.

With over $73 billion in 2023 profits and sitting on a $1.94 trillion throne, Google’s actions in California aren’t just a drop in the ocean. This storyline is about more than money; it’s about who controls access to information in our digital age. So, grab your popcorn, because this saga is far from over.

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