Internet company reports Red Sea cable severed by anchor during Houthi ship assault

So, did you hear about the underwater drama unfolding in the Red Sea? It sounds like something straight out of a high-stakes spy thriller, but it’s actually a real-life scenario that temporarily throttled data traffic between Asia and Europe. Seriously, imagine one-fourth of all data flow getting a sudden chokehold!

The plot thickens with the Houthi rebels being fingered for the deed, slicing through subsea communications cables last Saturday. Now, these folks have been quite busy with their maritime antics lately, but they’re shrugging off any blame for the cable cuts. Yet, don’t jump to conclusions because the story has more twists than a pretzel factory.

DE-CIX, a German internet company, has a piece of the puzzle. They share that an anchor was the actual villain, dropped by a crew abandoning a ship under Houthi fire. The ship, called Rubymar, took a missile hit, leading to a frenzied sequence of events that ended with cables being severed by a drifting, unmanned vessel. Talk about an unfortunate series of events!

These undersea cables are the internet’s hidden highways, zapping our digital data across the ocean floor at lightning speeds. Imagine 16 fibre optic cables, pulsing with 17% of the world’s international internet chatter, nestled on the bed of the Red Sea. The area’s as vital for telecoms as it is for global trade, serving as a crucial link between Europe and Asia.

Now, you might be thinking this could spell digital doom, but not so fast! Turns out, internet service providers are kind of like boy scouts—their motto being “Be Prepared.” When a cable goes kaput, data gets rerouted through another line faster than you can say “internet resilience”. So, unless you’re in a specific hotspot for cable trouble, you probably wouldn’t even notice a glitch in your Insta-scrolling or Netflix bingeing.

However, not to downplay it, some regions do feel the pinch more than others. Case in point: a cable cut last June left millions hanging, disconnected from the digital world for hours. It’s a stark reminder of how fragile our connection to the websphere can be and the looming threat of intentional sabotage.

Last month, warnings buzzed about potential sabotage acts on these underwater life-lines, alongside other maritime threats. It’s clear, the deep blue sea holds more than just natural wonders—it’s a battleground for digital dominance, with every severed cable a potential crisis.

So, next time your internet blips out for a second, spare a thought for those undersea cables, silently weaving our world closer, until a wandering anchor or a stealthy sabotage attempt decides otherwise.

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