Japanese Street Fighter Tournament to Impose Penalties on Sleep-Deprived Players

WTF?! A Street Fighter tournament is scheduled to take place in Japan later this month with a unique twist: participants who don’t get adequate sleep before the event will suffer a points penalty for each missed hour of sleep. This unusual rule is part of a promotion by a pharmaceutical company as part of its Active Sleep Project.

The aptly named Sleep Fighter tournament is organized by SS Pharmaceuticals. It’s rare to see pharmaceutical companies holding gaming events, but this one stands out due to its unique focus.

The tournament, set for August 31, will feature four teams, each with three players, competing in Street Fighter 6. The key distinction here is that participants are required to get at least six hours of sleep each day for the week leading up to the event. That’s a total of 42 hours per individual and 126 hours per team.

If a team falls short of the 126-hour sleep requirement when the tournament starts, they will incur a penalty of 5 points deducted for every hour of missed sleep. Players will track their sleep using a device provided by the tournament to prevent dishonest reporting—though some might attempt unsporting tactics like having someone else wear the device.

Teams that accumulate more sleep hours will also gain an advantage; in case of a tie after the three matches, the team with the highest total sleep hours can choose the specifics of the ExtraMatch tiebreaker.

The Active Sleep Project aims to highlight the importance of adequate sleep. “Sleep is not just for getting rid of daily fatigue,” reads the Sleep Fighter website. “It gives our bodies and minds the power to take on new challenges.” Notably, pro gamers and hardcore gamers often sacrifice sleep to spend more time gaming, which can adversely impact their performance.

If you’re interested in watching a Street Fighter 6 tournament showcasing presumably very well-rested and alert players, visit the Sleep Fighter website and follow the official X account.

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