Relying on Support: How Some AI Products Continue to Require Human Involvement

The Reality Check on AI:

The big picture: As we navigate through an era where AI is the buzzword, it promises to elevate our daily routines, offering us a chance to redirect our focus towards more meaningful tasks. Sounds dreamy, right? However, peel back the curtain and you’ll find that the realm of artificial intelligence is still heavily propped up by human effort.

The Truth Behind AI in Fast Food:

Presto Automation stands at the forefront, bringing AI solutions to the tables of fast food giants like Del Taco, Hardee’s, and Carl’s Jr. They’re pioneering the use of chatbots for drive-thru orders. But let’s get real—even their most sophisticated voice tech is only hitting the mark 30 percent of the time without a human needing to jump in.

So, who’s picking up the slack? Human employees stationed in remote locations, often miles across the ocean in countries like the Philippines, are the unseen heroes ensuring that up to 70 percent of these AI-driven orders don’t end in disaster.

Amazon’s ‘Just Walk Out’ Technology: Not So Autonomous After All:

Take a stroll down memory lane to when Amazon introduced its revolutionary ‘Just Walk Out’ technology. The idea was simple yet futuristic: customers could waltz into a store, grab what they beckoned, and leave without the hassle of queueing. Behind the scenes, an intricate web of cameras and sensors was said to keep tabs on everything, billing customers as they exited. However, a recent exposé revealed a reliance on a sizeable workforce in India, effectively acting as virtual cashiers. So much for automation, huh?

Facebook M: The AI That Wasn’t Entirely AI:

Remember Facebook M? Launched with fanfare and shuttered quietly, this digital helper was supposed to be AI-driven. Yet, every interaction was meticulously scanned by contractors tucked away at Facebook’s Menlo Park base. Despite initial claims, it was more human-powered than AI-driven. The buzz around its launch spoke volumes about AI’s potential, but in practice, it was another reminder of its reliance on human intelligence.

At the end of the day, it seems the true value of AI lies in its ability to amplify human capabilities, not replace them entirely.

Image credit: Cash Macanaya

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